Monday, December 1, 2008

Can we Trust Obama?

Can we trust Obama? Sure he said this and that to win votes to become the 44th president, but can we really trust him? He stomped on McCain during the presidential election, so the voters must have a lot of faith in him and trust him. I know I can trust him.
Even though I didn’t really keep up with the presidential election one thing caught my attention, and that was health care. I didn’t really agree with McCain’s health care plans, because giving the people tax credits will add more to the economic crisis. Some people might not use the tax credit to buy health care and buy something else. On the other hand I did agree with Obama’s health care plan. Giving the people cheap and affordable health insurance will work and cost less for the government. McCain's plan would reduce the number of uninsured Americans by 1.3 million over the coming decade at a total cost of $1.3 billion. Obama's plan would reduce the ranks of the uninsured by 34 million at a cost of $1.63 billion. During the first year of implementation, McCain's proposed plan would dent the federal budget to the tune of $185 billion, while Obama's plan would require $86 billion (GardnerAmanda). We cannot overlook this fact considering the time of Economic Crisis. There is a big difference in the money that the government will spend, and number of people who will be covered.
Hearing his speeches and listening to his interview on 60 Minutes, and how he gained the respect of the people. I believe he will be a great president. There are a lot of eyes watching every step of Obama during his term of presidency, and he won’t let the people who voted for him down and most importantly America. I’m looking forward of Obama being president, and to carry out his plans and promises.

1 comment:

dsteed said...

I don’t think that trust is the issue. I think that the policies were. Obama’s healthcare plan might have been less expensive but limits the types of care and medications that will be received. I think healthcare is one area that should not receive as harsh of cuts as other areas. Also the tax credits could only buy healthcare and nothing else.
The area that Obama really messed up on is the energy crisis. His plan would not work as well. He said let’s use geothermic as one thing. We don’t have the means of running the country on geothermic energy. He also said biodiesel as a way. Biodiesel is basically the cooking oil we use. How much is it for a pint…3 to 4 bucks? How much is a gallon of gas these days? There would not be enough means to run cars for the entire country on biodiesel and still be cheaper than gas.
McCain wanted to use nuclear energy. I do not understand why people are afraid of nuclear energy. It is one of the cleanest sources of energy, it’s reusable and efficient. Chernobyl was a bad incident yes, but that is not the norm for nuclear power. As long as you follow the regulations that are set up, nuclear power is safe. And above all it is cheaper than geothermic and biodiesel in this country.
That is where you need the cuts, not healthcare. Obama’s healthcare plan will lead to everyone getting the same healthcare plan which is not good. Not everyone has the same needs for healthcare in this country. We need to cut spending where it won’t affect people in negative ways as much as possible. I don’t agree with Obama’s plan, but in the end we will see what happens during his presidency.