Thursday, November 13, 2008


After reading “I think we should vote,” I started to think all the different excuses on not voting, and I agree to her post. Maybe people are just too lazy, busy, or just don’t want to. I heard many funny ones and a lot of corny ones. My personal favorite is “my vote won’t make a difference, it’s just 1 vote it won’t make a difference.” If our vote really didn’t count, presidential candidates would not try so hard to win our votes. No need for them to persuade the people. Our vote gives us the voice and the power in the political game, and that is something no one can take away. One vote can make a difference in an election.
I agree with Deborah, that America is spoiled. So many people made so many sacrifices, so that America can have the things that are present today. I think the people have forgotten we as a nation went through just to have the rights and freedoms we have today. The author gives the audience the history/ list of voting Amendments (women given the right to vote, voting age set at 18). This is great for the audience who did not know much on voting. People lost their lives so that we can vote, and I think we have taken that for granted. It’s sad to see our country like this.
This Presidential election was exciting. We had an increase in voter turn outs, and in result the first Africa American President. We should be grateful in the opportunities we had this year on voting (ex: early voting, voting through mail). The government put in a lot of effort to get more people to vote, and I think it worked. If you didn’t vote, you have no right to say or criticize.

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