Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain or Obama (Iraq)

What do you think about our troops still deployed in Iraq? Are you in favor or oppose the war? While others think that America should help the country in need, I think differently and oppose of the war.
While the two presidential candidates argue, and give their insight on what will be done if elected president. The question is why are our troops still in Iraq? We've already found what we were looking for (Saddam Hussein). I think that are main focus should be on Afghanistan.
I agree on Obama and his decision on withdrawing of troops and ending the war. McCain plans on keeping American troops till Iraq can stand up on its own two feet, spending billions and billions more money for a cause that shouldn't be funded anymore. We should think about our problems first before anything else (credit crisis). Our nation can use that money on things that our nation needs (education, environment, and Hurricane).
Obama has a plan on ending the war and withdraw of troops. McCain has no plan on ending the war or withdrawing of troops. If the war continues, so will our nation's debt. So are you in favor or oppose the war?

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