Thursday, October 30, 2008

America Sucks in Education!!

What are we going to do as a nation to fix our dropout rates? It seems that America is taking another step towards to fix or decrease high school dropout rates. It is said that 1 of every 4 Americans dropout. That’s a pretty big number if you were to ask me. It seems that the “No Child Left Behind” that was pasted in 2001 hasn’t been working as it should have been working. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings is taking this issue into her own hands to fix this problem, by setting new rules and regulations towards high school dropouts. It is said that now these days’ children are to have a lesser chance of receiving a high school diploma then their parents. I guess most parents don’t see the big picture of our education problem, so to show parents how serious this problem is, the Department of Education and Margaret Spellings are getting schoolsand states to keep a better track of dropouts and graduation rates. Getting every state to keep a record, so parents and the public will be informed what goes on in school. This will also help the department to focus on troubling states. All 50 states agreed to enact a uniform graduation rate, but only 16 states up held its agreement. The federal government is starting to require states that do not fulfill its agreement to develop a plan to accomplish that agreement, but must be approved by the Department of Education first.
I still remember the times of my high school life even though it wasn’t that long ago, but one thing that I remembered clearly was my education. I know that America is way behind in education compared to other countries. I’ve spent my whole life in America, and when I struggled in school all my friends from Korea breezed through high school like it was nothing. Sometimes I was made of fun of because of my lack of knowledge, but we all knew the truth. Education in America is a joke and all my friends seen that, but I believe that now people are stepping up to the plate to make some changes and improve or catch up on education.,8599,1854758,00.html

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hillary Clinton!!! >.<

Hillary’s women already have power
The author of this blog is Hillary Rosen, who is an Anderson Cooper 360 contributor. Her intended audience was the Democratic supporters of America and most importantly women in America. She congratulates Sen. Clinton on her speech at the Democratic Convention. She spoke with power and passion to reach out to undecided voters all in 23 minutes. “She did everything she needed to achieve for a united party and a dignified conclusion to her campaign for her supporters. I think she gave the speech of her life”. As she continues to praise Hillary she starts to mention about how women in today’s society come a long way. She writes that a women who works hard for many years for the same company, all have seen a younger gentlemen come in and get the promotion. Rosen’s real argument is that women today not just in America but all over the world are not given as much credit as a male and Hillary Clinton represents all the women who do not have a voice. Hillary changed the views and roles for women in politics.
I agree with Hillary Rosen. To me Hillary Clinton gives the women in America the voice and courage they need. Even though I support Obama in the presidential race, I believe Hillary would be a better fit for the job. It’s just my opinion, but I want to see how differently things will be run by a female president instead of a male one.
Hope everyone did well on the exam this past Tuesday. >.<

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Is Palin really ready?

The article I have chosen to evaluate is “Palin’s Words Raise Red Flags” in The New York Times. The author mainly targets the readers who are for McCain and Palin for the presidential election. He questions the audience if whether Sarah Palin is qualified to be vice president if McCain happens to win the election. He talks about how vice president should be ready at any moment to lead and take command of our nation. He gives great examples of vice presidents who have stepped up to the plate to become the next president who either has died or leave of office (Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson). He argues that Ms. Palin has not yet given any signs whether or not she is ready to become vice president. He gives the audience more evidence that Ms. Palin is not ready in an interview by Katie Couric of CBS News on foreign policy. He states that her performance was poor, and would “generate a hearty laugh.” Cleary he argues that Ms. Palin is not ready to become vice president, or furthermore not ready to step up to the plate to become president if something was to happen to the president.
I agree with the author about how Ms. Palin is not ready for the position of vice president. Even though I missed the big debate Biden vs. Palin, I stand here strongly that Palin is not ready for the job for vice president. With John McCain’s age who knows what might happen to him, and furthermore is Palin the right person to take the job of president?